
2022.10.30 茄苳社區-慶收冬 Harvest Celebration

假日帶日本人到茄苳社區,丘陵淺山豐富生態與梯田景觀,農村好玩、好物都在這,還有稻草藝術地景!有舞蹈戲劇表演、農具展示、客語、米食、在地素材運用手作、抓泥鰍闖關遊戲、茄苳景觀巡禮、農產品市集、稻草地景藝術參觀及午餐。  There will be dance and drama performances, a farming tools display, Hakka language, food made from local rice, handicrafts made using local materials, small fish catching games, a botanical tour, a market for local agricultural products, a straw landscape art tour, and lunch.
假日帶日本人到茄苳社區,丘陵淺山豐富生態與梯田景觀,農村好玩、好物都在這,還有稻草藝術地景!有舞蹈戲劇表演、農具展示、客語、米食、在地素材運用手作、抓泥鰍闖關遊戲、茄苳景觀巡禮、農產品市集、稻草地景藝術參觀及午餐。 There will be dance and drama performances, a farming tools display, Hakka language, food made from local rice, handicrafts made using local materials, small fish catching games, a botanical tour, a market for local agricultural products, a straw landscape art tour, and lunch.