為讓外籍生體驗異鄉文化,中華大學國際處與學務處聯合舉辦外籍生中秋聯誼活動,從9月10日中秋節當天開始,依國籍不同,連辦4場活動,總計共邀請超過百位外籍生到場同歡。 The 2022 Moon Festival celebration was jointly organized by the Office of International Affairs and the Office of Student Affairs to allow foreign students to experience local culture. It started on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 10, and over the series of 4 events, a total of more than 100 foreign students of different nationalities participated in the festivities.【祈福籤紙】【工作人員講中秋節故事】 【工作人員發小禮物】【日本人柚子彩繪】【菲律賓人柚子彩繪】【馬來西亞人柚子彩繪】【柚子成果展】
為讓外籍生體驗異鄉文化,中華大學國際處與學務處聯合舉辦外籍生中秋聯誼活動,從9月10日中秋節當天開始,依國籍不同,連辦4場活動,總計共邀請超過百位外籍生到場同歡。 The 2022 Moon Festival celebration was jointly organized by the Office of International Affairs and the Office of Student Affairs to allow foreign students to experience local culture. It started on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 10, and over the series of 4 events, a total of more than 100 foreign students of different nationalities participated in the festivities.【祈福籤紙】【工作人員講中秋節故事】 【工作人員發小禮物】【日本人柚子彩繪】【菲律賓人柚子彩繪】【馬來西亞人柚子彩繪】【柚子成果展】