
外僑居留證申請Alien Resident Certificate (ARC)

外僑居留證申請 Application of Alien Resident Certificate (ARC)

無論是持居留簽證入境、或是在中華民國境內獲改換發居留簽證者,請務必於  入境日/境內取得居留簽證之核發日起 30天內,至內政部移民署線上申辦及發證系統申請外僑居留證。

The Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) serves as an ID card which proves legal resident status in Taiwan. International students should take good care of it and pay attention to its expiration date as it is a very important document.


※線上申辦系統Online Application System


According to The National Immigration Agency, international students must apply through the Online Application System (Starting from August 1, 2021).

移民署-外國與外僑學生線上申辦系統 "線上申請第一步,如何建立帳號":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiCRrbi6Pn8

Immigration - Online Application System for Foreign and Expatriate Students "First Step to Apply Online, How to Create an Account":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waIEDbb2kE4

居留證延期 ARC Extension Application for international students:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02pdD-ATYYM



If students have any questions regarding the Online Application System, please contact NIA customer service center: 03-524-3517.

Detailed contact information of National Immigration Agency service centers can be found on the NIA website.




ARC is an identity document issued by the National Immigration Agency which proves legal residence for foreign nationals (non-ROC nationals) in Taiwan. Foreign and overseas Chinese students who pursue undergraduate or graduate studies in Taiwan are required to apply for an ARC through the online application system within 30 days after they enter Taiwan with a Resident Visa or obtain a Resident Visa through visa change in Taiwan.




Foreign nationals who have never been approved for naturalization in Taiwan, and have a valid reason to reside in Taiwan (e.g. studying at CHU). 


三、申請項目Application Process


    International and overseas Chinese students who pursue undergraduate or graduate studies in Taiwan can apply for the ARC through the online application system with a certificate of enrollment provided by the university/insitution.


   The application must be done within 30 days of arrival in Taiwan, or issue date of Resident Visa within Taiwan.


    International and overseas Chinese students who need to extend their stay in Taiwan due to academic requirements should apply for an ARC extension online within 30 days before the ARC expires.


四、申請進度查詢Check Your Progress

案件進度查詢Check Your Application Progress


After filling out and submitting an online application form, students will receive a 12-digit confirmation number. Students may use the confirmation number to track their progress via the online system through "progress inquiry" --> "application progress inquiry."

優先處理事項Check for Priority Application


After filling out and submitting an online application form, students will receive a 12-digit confirmation number. Students may use the confirmation number to track their progress via the “priority” section.


五、線上繳費Online Payment

線上系統申請案件經移民署審查核可後,請於五個工作日內繳納證件費用。申辦項目及費用如下 :

After the online application is reviewed and approved by the National Immigration Agency, please complete your ARC payment fee within 5 working days.

外國學生一年居留證件費用One-year residence permit for foreign students:NT$1,000.

外國學生二年居留證件費用Two-year residence permit for foreign students: NT$2,000.

外國學生三年居留證件費用Three-year residence permit for foreign students: NT$3,000

資料異動及補發證件費用ARC alteration or re-issuance: NT$500.


The online system provides multiple payment options, including international credit card, online ATM, virtual account payment, e-government payment platform, and payment at the convenience store (including 7-eleven and Family Mart). The payment option of "international credit card" does not support China UnionPay and American Express. Only JCB, VISA, and MasterCard credit cards can be used for online payment.


六、電子居留證及收據下載 E-residence Permit and Receipt Download


After the application is approved by National Immigration Agency and the ARC payment fee is completed, you will receive an e-mail from the system informing you that the e-residence permit and receipt are ready for download. Students can sign in to the system and download their e-residence permit and receipt from "download section" --> "e-residence permit download and "receipt download." Please bring the e-receipt to service center in order to pick up your ARC card.



1. 未於居留期限內辦理延期者,主管機關得廢止當事人居留資格,並限令出國。

2. 變更居留地址或服務處所,應於30天內備妥相關文件辦理資料異動。違規者,處新臺幣2,000-10,000元罰款。

3. 如繼續就學並申請居留證延期,於居留期限屆滿前30天內方可申請延期居留。

4. 居留證逾期:

  1. 逾期30日內(不含第30天)且在學中,於繳交罰款及延期費用後,可申請延長並繼續居留。
  2. 逾期30日以上(含第30天)且在學中,須繳交罰款後於7天內出境,並重新申請簽證返台就學。
  3. 罰款規定:
    • 逾期1-10天:新臺幣2,000元
    • 逾期11-30天:新臺幣4,000元
    • 逾期31-60天:新臺幣6,000元
    • 逾期61-90天:新臺幣8,000元
    • 逾期91天以上:新臺幣10,000元

5. 在學期間如有預計離境,請務必於離境前確認外僑居留證於返臺時仍在有效效期內。如有必要,請提早至線上申請系統辦理外僑居留證延期。

6. 申請離校(休學、退學、畢業)且持以就學為目的之居留證者,於完成離校手續後,居留證便會失效。請於移民署規定時間內離境。休學結束後欲返臺復學時,須重新申請簽證入境。

7. 已畢業欲留臺覓職者,應檢附畢業證書申請居留證延期,其居留效期以學生畢業當月加計6個月為延期之居留期限;如屬延畢者,應檢附相關證明文件,依實際就學情形酌予核發6個月至1年效期之外僑居留證。


Important Notice for ARC

  1. Foreigners' residency will be ceased by the authorized agency and they may be expelled from Taiwan if they overstay in Taiwan without applying for ARC extension.
  2. Foreigners who need to change information on their ARC (e.g. change of address) should apply to update their ARC online within 30 days of the change.
  3. Please apply for ARC extension within 30 days before your ARC expires if you will continue your study at CHU.
  4. If you plan to leave Taiwan during your studies, please make sure your ARC will still be valid at the time you return to Taiwan before your departure. Please apply for ARC extension online if necessary.
  5. If you apply for leave of absence or withdrawal from school, your ARC (purpose of residence is Study at CHU) will be cancelled after you complete the CHU leaving procedures. If you would like to enroll in CHU again after your leave of absence period is over, you need to apply for a new visa to enter Taiwan and obtain a new ARC. 
  6. Graduates seeking employment in Taiwan are required to provide a graduation certificate to extend their period of stay. The maximum extension is one year (issued six months at a time), starting from the month of graduation. If students have postponed their graduation, they are required to provide supportive documents to keep or extend their ARC. 

Overstay Information:

  1. Overstay within 30 days (the 30th day excluded) but still enrolled at NTU: pay the fine and the application fee for the ARC extension.
  2. Overstay more than 30 days (the 30th day included) but still enrolled at NTU: pay the fine and leave the country in 7 days to apply for a new visa and re-enter Taiwan.
  3. Overstay fine:
    • 1-10 days: NTD$2,000
    • 11-30 days: NTD$4,000
    • 31-60 days: NTD$6,000
    • 61-90 days: NTD$8,000
    • over 91 days: NTD$10,000


詳細資訊請洽「內政部移民署」For more details, please contact the National Immigration Agency

      新竹市服務站Hsinchu City Service Center

    • 網站Website:http://www.immigration.gov.tw/
    • 各地服務站Other Branch Office:星期一至星期五 08:00-17:00,中午不休息
    • 地址Address:新竹市北區中華路三段12號1樓新竹市服務站 連結地址
    • 電話Tel::03-524-3517(總機)
    • 傳真Fax:03-524-5109
    •  外國人在台生活服務專線Foreigners In Taiwan Hotline:1990(中英日文 English, Japanese, and Mandarin services available)
    • E-mail:boi@immigration.gov.tw