
2025/02(113學年度)春季班外國學生招生及申請入學公告- Announcement on Enrolment and Application for Admission of Foreign Students 2024-2025


International Application (Degree-Seeking)


招生簡章-CHU International Students Admissions Guide


Potential international students who are interested in studying undergraduate or graduate programs are welcome to apply online.


2024-2025 新生手冊 Handbook for International Students


入學規定-Guidelines on International Students Admission

enlightenedAF2-2-003 Guidelines on International Students Admission 中華大學外國學生入學規定(中文版-Chinese ver.)

enlightenedAF2-2-003 Guidelines on International Students Admission 中華大學外國學生入學規定(英文版-English ver.)


特別規定-Special Conditions


    The duration of study for freshmen in the first year of the Bachelor's programme is based on the principle of four years/eight semesters.

    Except the dissemination, promotion and assist international students in necessary procedures to Taiwan, Providence University has not outsourced the admission process with  agencies.


招生時程-Enrolment Schedule

  • 2月開學 / 春季班第二學期報名時間:2024年9月15日起至2024年11月22日 17:00止

        February intake / Second semester (Spring semester) enrolment: 15 September 2024 to 22 November 2024 before1700pm


入學時程-Academic Calender

  • 春季班入學 Second semester (Spring semester):每年2月中開學  starts from the mid of February till the end of June


網絡報名 apply online



申請步驟PPT-Application Procedures

申請應繳文件-Documents required for application

     A complete application package must include the following documents. 

  1. 上網(http://apply.chu.edu.tw/)填入學申請表,附個人正面照片。
    Complete the online application form (http://apply.chu.edu.tw) with a recent head-shoulder photo.
  2. 英文或中文自傳與讀書計畫各一份。
    A statement of purpose and autobiography in English or Chinese.
  3. 護照掃描包含簽名頁。
    A copy of passport with bearer's signature page.
  4. 高中/大學畢業證書:一份經過中華民國(台灣)駐外代表處認證的畢業證書影本。(如果文件非中文或英文,需要另附中文或英文譯本;畢業證書正本與認證正本於開學註冊時繳交)
    **大學在學生申請轉學:修業證明(certificate of enrollment)與成績單需要認證。
    **在台灣各大學就讀轉學生:在學證明與成績單不需要認證。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                One photocopy of high school diploma / university diploma with verification by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. (The English or Chinese verified version is also necessary if the original diploma is not in either language. The original verified certificate shall be submitted upon registration at the beginning of the new semester.)
    *Certificate of enrollment is required if applicant is currently studying in the last semester of school.
    **Undergraduate admission for high school graduates: verification is not required for certificate of enrollment.
    **Transfer from college or university to CHU undergraduate program: verification is required for certificate of enrollment.

  5. 高中/大學成績單影本:一份經由原校所在地之中華民國(台灣)駐外代表處認證的歷年成績單影本(Yearly Transcripts)。(如果文件非中文或英文,需要另附中文或英文譯本;成績單正本與認證正本於開學註冊時繳交)。
    One photocopy of official English yearly transcripts from all high school/ university years with verification by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the country where the documents are issued. (The English or Chinese verified version is also necessary if the original transcript is not in either language. The original verified transcripts shall be submitted upon registration at the beginning of the new semester.)
    If an applicant is studying in the last semester of school, required documents should be verified after graduation.
  6. 財力證明:帳戶存款金額至少美金4,000元或新台幣120,000元。(如果文件非中文或英文,需要另附中文或英文譯本;財力證明正本於開學註冊時繳交)。
    One photocopy of bank statement, with a minimum balance of US$4000 per person; or a copy of scholarship notification.
    Bank statement can either be in the applicant’s name, or the name of one or both of the applicant’s parents/ legal guardians.
  7. 2封推薦信,(研究生以上需要推薦信, 大學部不用)由學校師長或主管親自簽名,推薦人聯絡資訊(職稱/email/電話)必須顯示在推薦信上。
    Two letters of recommendation. Please save the file in JPG format. References should sign on the letter, position title and contact info should be provided on the letter. Recommendation should not be written by friends or family members.
  8. 英語能力證明,TOEFL IBT 47、TOEFL ITP 457、IELTS 4.0 or TOEIC 550以上 (適用於申請英語授課課程,母語為英語者免付)。
    English language proficiency: TOEFL IBT 47、TOEFL ITP 457、IELTS 4.0 or TOEIC 550 or above (Only applicable to students who apply to English-taught programs, native speakers are excluded).
  9. 中文能力證明,華語需繳交相當於 CEFR (基礎級) A2 (含) 以上之中文能力證明 (例如:HSK 4級,TOCFL A2)。​(適用於申請中文授課課程,母語為中文者免付)。
    Chinese language proficiency: TOCFL A2 level or intermediate level of other Mandarin Chinese language proficiency tests. (ex: HSK level 4)
    (Only applicable to students who apply to Chinese-taught programs, native speaker are excluded)


招生簡章-CHU International Students Admissions Guide


學雜費收退費基準-Tuition and Fees Standard




有問題請洽-Contact us

TEL:03-5186338  or  03-5186176

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